
A Level

Entry requirements:   

Five GCSEs including Maths & English Language: a minimum of three GCSEs at Grade 4 and two GCSEs at Grade 5.

What is it?    

A combination of practical and theoretical work, examining communicating with audiences, style, dramatic structure, characterisation along with historical, social and cultural contexts of works.

Why choose this subject at BSFC?    

The College has a strong performing arts culture, and each year, an ambitious and exciting production is put together by the College's actors, directors, dancers and musicians for a performance to the public.

What will I study?    

Studying a range of important plays through the centuries, both modern and classic, for the written exam, alongside various 21st century plays for performance. You’ll work on the the theatrical processes and practices involved in interpreting and performing theatre.

How will I be assessed?    

40% written exam; 60% practical work and external practical exam over the two years.

How will this subject prepare me for the world of work?    

Crucial personal skills are enhanced on this course, from self-confidence to working with others, and practical skills to analytical thinking.

Below is some information about careers in the Performing Arts

Performing Arts Careers

You can read more useful information about careers in the Performing Arts here

Exam Board:


We have made every effort to ensure that the information displayed is accurate. The College reserves the right to make changes and cannot accept liability arising out of, or in connection with any revision. 
Educate Awards - Most Inspirational Sixth Form
Educate North College of the Year 2023
TES Shortlist
Quality in Careers
CE Certified
BePART Educational Trust
Sixth Form Colleges Association
Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award