21 January 2016

The first Sixth Form College Open Event of 2016 proved to be another major success, with students, parents and families turning up in their hundreds from all over the region to see what makes us Wirral’s No1 Sixth Form.
Following on from November’s Open Event, over 700 students have now explored our specialist facilities and talked with our expert teachers so far in this academic year.
The evening kicked off with a talk from the Principal, Kathryn Podmore, who welcomed our visitors before outlining our key ethics and expectations. Kathryn also highlighted our results, which are in the top 5% nationally for the value added to students’ grades and performance, and above both national and Wirral averages for pass rates.
The Principal's speech was followed by the Deputy Principal, Mike Kilbride, and he explained the curriculum offer and how students can choose four subjects at AS Level which sets us apart from smaller sixth forms in the area.
Having received nearly 600 applications already for September, teaching rooms across the college had the full range of facilities and equipment on show, and prospective students were given the chance to speak to any number of our specialist A Level teachers about what they can expect on their A Level or BTEC journeys.
Open Event January 2016