12 November 2015
A record number of students from across Wirral joined us at our first Open Evening of the academic year to find out more about what makes us Wirral’s Number One Sixth Form and why more students and parents choose us than any other sixth form in Wirral.
Students and Parents were able to visit our subject departments and discover more about the wide range of course options available at the College. Our academic staff - who are specialists within their subjects – all reported being very busy speaking to interested students and parents about the options available and what is involved during A Level and BTEC study.
The evening included talks from our Principal, Kathryn Podmore and Deputy Principal, Mike Kilbride on what makes us Wirral’s Number One Sixth Form and our established record of excellence in delivering education for 16-19 year olds in Wirral. There were also talks from our Assistant Principal, Kate Rigby about our successful Honours Programme, supporting high achieving students as well as a talk from our Head of Learning Support, Sharon Kieran, on the support available for students with additional needs.
All visitors enjoyed taking a look around the college including the School of Art & Design, our bespoke science labs and our learning resource centre – The Hub - which also includes our Microsoft Training Academy Suite.
Information on our Admissions process was available throughout the evening, along with our Career Pathways to help inspire students on the future career options A Level and BTEC study can lead to and what courses can help them to be achieved.
Open Event Nov 2015