27 July 2015

Student, Lauren Francom, recently took part in a prestigious Gifted and Talented Programme at the University of Aberdeen.
Lauren, who studies Chemistry, English Language and Literature, Psychology and History at The Sixth Form College, was selected to take part in a prestigious Gifted and Talented Programme from June 30 to July 2 at the University of Aberdeen’s historic King’s College Campus. Lauren, a former Weatherhead High School pupil, travelled to Scotland to take part in a series of thought-provoking lectures, stimulating seminar sessions and student events designed to help Britain’s most talented students realise their full potential and to give them a flavour of life at university.
Lauren took part in the University of Aberdeen's programme for Politics as she is considering this as a career choice, however, she is taking full advantage of the Higher Education opportunities available to thoroughly explore her options as she has also taken part in a placement at Villiers Park to explore History and is taking part in Edge Hill University's Gifted & Talented Scheme from 27th July, exploring Higher Education opportunities in Law. Lauren said, "I want to be prepared as possible when applying for University and I think all of these opportunities are going to make my personal statement really stand out."
"Upon arriving at the University of Aberdeen it was evident that the staff and my peers would be lovely – everybody was friendly and welcoming. We were taken for registration in the University’s Sir Duncan Rice Library (fun fact: the architecture represents granite under a microscope as Aberdeen is nicknamed the Granite City).
At the library we were given a brief talk by the University Principal who explained why Aberdeen was one of the best places to study. We were also told what would take place in the days ahead by Amanda Wilson who had arranged the gifted and talented scheme. It was here that we found that we may be offered a place at the University depending on how we fared in the upcoming assessments (the subject group presentation and our essays).
Studying in Scotland is different because the Universities are far more flexible as it’s possible to change your course and take more subjects if you are not enjoying your original course choice. Following this surprising, but pleasant announcement we were put into our subject groups and introduced to the lecturers. There were three others in my group: Beatrice, Willow and Stella.
On the first day we were given a tour of the campus to demonstrate what Aberdeen has to offer by a current student who told us the ins and outs of the University and what it was like to study at Aberdeen. It was clear that there was a surprising amount to do on the coach tour around Aberdeen city (plus during Summer there are dolphins in the harbour). On the sea front there is a lot of sea-side attractions (such as Codona’s Amusement Park). The University also offers students membership to the Olympic standard Sports Village which caters for those using it recreationally or elite athletes. For our evening meal on the first day we had a BBQ in the Cruickshank Botanic Gardens which boasted exotic plants. We even had the chance to meet the curator of the garden and he explained origins of certain plants.
On the Wednesday we were given the chance to view the Zoology museum which contained taxidermy, skeletal material, fluid preserved specimens and models. On the final night we had a networking dinner in Elphinstone Hall where the Vice-Principal gave a speech and we spoke to some tutors, admission officers, past students and lecturers. (Fun fact: it is rumoured that if you walk on the grass you will never graduate!)
The Tuesday consisted of brief subject sessions - an Introduction, followed by a set assignment (750 – 1000 words “How democratic is the UK in 2015?”) and explaining the presentations.
On Wednesday we had subject sessions from 9am - 5pm. For the most part of the sessions, we debated on the following issues:
- Brainstormed: what is democracy?
- Watched youtube videos on democracy and election 2015
- Given talk on UK GE 2015/Trident/other issues/democracy/terrorism
- Turn-out (why was the turn-out so poor?)
- Should we change the voting age to 16?
- What is social capital? (civic engagement/networks/trust/community bonds)
- The rise of other parties (Green/UKIP)
- New social movements
On Thursday we were given from 9am - 10:30am to prepare for our presentations in front of the other groups. As a group we decided to split into pairs and create an interactive presentation to demonstrate what we had learned during our group sessions.
Our presentation went well, and it would seem I have been offered a place to study at the University of Aberdeen if I would like to in September 2016!"
Lauren Francom - Uni of Aberdeen