18 March 2015

First year Chemistry students Elsbeth Blakemore, Grace Higham and Acklack Hussain represented The Sixth Form College this month at the Royal Society of Chemistry Young Analyst Competition held in the central teaching laboratories at the University of Liverpool.
The full-day event for Year 12 Chemistry students involved a series of practical exercises including volumetric analysis and at least one instrumental/spectroscopic technique. The event gave the students the experience of working in a state-of-art University laboratory and allowed each of them to learn new techniques.
Elsbeth a former Wirral Grammar School student who also studies Biology, Psychology and Mathematics at The Sixth Form College enjoyed taking part in the competition stating, “It was a great opportunity to work within a University style setting and it was exciting being able to work with advanced equipment. I really enjoyed the day and feel that I learnt new skills that will benefit my studies.”
Dr Helen Aspinall from the Department of Chemistry at The University of Liverpool commented on the high standards of experimental work completed by the students during the competition and is looking forward to our students taking part again next year.