20 January 2015

AS Science students at The Sixth Form College have successfully gained placements on Unilever’s prestigious work experience programme at their Research Laboratories based in Port Sunlight. Eight Sixth Form College students successfully secured their place on the programme out of a total of 32 places on offer to students across Merseyside and the North West.
The students including, William Major, Carl Whittam, Lola San, Matthew Clare, Moya Fawcett, Lucy Maddox and Faye Dean are delighted to have been accepted onto their placements with Unilever, who are one of the world’s leading suppliers of Food, Home and Personal Care Products.
Moya, who studies Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Music at the college, was excited when she received the news of her success, stating, “I was very pleased to hear I had successfully gained a place on the Unilever Programme and I am looking forward to the experience. I hope to have the opportunity to work on different research projects with skilled adults within a workplace environment.”
Fellow student and Unilever applicant, Carl who studies Medical Science, Applied Science, Law and Geography at the College added to this, “I am excited about broadening my knowledge in the general field of science. I am looking forward to working in the laboratories and hope to work with an electron microscope. Working within the field of Microbiology is what I am most looking forward to.”
Each student will complete one week at Unilever’s Research Laboratories in Port Sunlight during June and July 2015.
Head of Learner Services, John Doherty supported the students with their applications along with the student’s Personal Guidance Tutors and the Science Department at the College. John commented on the students’ success, stating, “It is a credit to the students that so many of them have successfully gained a place on the Unilever Work Experience scheme. The College has had some great success in getting students into excellent apprenticeship opportunities with Unilever in the past and we are delighted to see this success continue.”
Last year, Sixth Form College student Richard Harrison secured an apprenticeship in IT at Unilever.