9 January 2015

The Sixth Form College hosted their annual Do More Fair at the College on Thursday 8th January to encourage students to choose from a range of enrichment opportunities for the start of the New Year.
Students could choose to sign up to a variety of organisations and clubs at the Fair covering a wide range of interests – whether it be to get fitter, become a volunteer or learn something new. The College’s sports teams – which include Football, Handball, Taekwon-do and many more, were there to welcome new members as well as volunteering opportunities and organisations such as Girl Guiding Wirral, RNIB and the National Citizen Service. Students also had the opportunity to sign up with various College Clubs such as the Debating Team, Chess Club and even to find out more about the facilities available in the Free College Multi Gym which is available to all students. There was also the opportunity at the Fair to discover how to develop new skills such as learning Sign Language or gaining a new qualification in First Aid or Food Hygiene.
Enrichment Co-ordinator Rowena Lovatt, who organises the Fair each year, says,
“The start of a New Year is a great time for students to take on new opportunities and gain new skills. Enrichment activities are an enjoyable way to do this and allow students to explore new interests.”
Rowena added, “Enrichment activities are a fantastic way of students strengthening their Personal Statements for Higher Education or C.V’s for Apprenticeships and further Employment. It allows potential Universities and Employers to gain a glimpse of a students’ personality outside of their academic subjects and can help them to stand out from many whilst also enhancing their overall College experience.”
Students enjoyed taking part in the activities at the fair including cycling for their smoothies on a specially adapted bicycle provided by cycling charity Sustrans. Other popular stands at the fair included the National Citizens Service – which many of our students have already taken part in, see here for details, Girlguiding Wirral and our Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award stand.
The event also included an impressive live martial arts demonstration by our Taekwon-do Group.
Do More Fair 2015