16 December 2010

Birkenhead Sixth Form College’s adult students have celebrated their achievements in 2010. Over 700 attending evening classes and outreach centres were invited to a presentation evening, where they received examination and accreditation certificates of all sorts.
Courses ranged from academic to recreational, with A Level and GCSE classes running alongside Belly Dancing and Horticulture courses. Students had successfully filled their time developing new interests, improving job prospects or meeting new people and having fun.
For A Level Psychology students Nicolette Cullen and Cheryl McCarthy their studies have led to university applications. Nicolette will be starting the new year as an undergraduate at Derby University and Cheryl is in the process of applying.
Celebrating with the students, College Principal Kathryn Podmore and College Governors were delighted with the success of the adult education programmes, which achieved results exceeding the national average for the eighth year running. “Some of our students return to education for the first time in many years, and achieve success they would never have dreamt of at school,” said Kathryn. “Their hard work and determination is an inspiration. We have had students embarking on degree courses or changing their careers as a result of their experiences. Of course most students attend just for fun and interest and we’re really pleased to provide them with an opportunity to do something a bit different.”