My visit to Oriel College in Oxford by Hamza Jouma

Image of My visit to Oriel College in Oxford by Hamza Jouma

Every year, Oxford University organises a programme called ‘Medicine Outreach Day’. It’s a selective scheme with one goal which is informing students about the University and giving a specific insight about Medicine as a career and the lives of medical students. I didn’t know about this programme…

Category: The Student Voice


Tag Rugby Club

Image of Tag Rugby Club

A new Tag Rugby club on Friday lunchtimes is proving a big hit with students at the College. Anyone can get involved in the inclusive sport, expertly run each week in the Sports Hall at 12:15pm by Peter from Birkenhead Park Rugby Club.

Category: College Life


Apple Store trip exercises IT students' creativity

Image of Apple Store trip exercises IT students' creativity

IT teacher, Paul Moore, took two groups of final year students to Liverpool’s Apple Store in January, where they exercised their creative muscles and took part in workshops with some of the latest gadgets used in the industry.

Here, Paul talks through what the students had to enjoy on their…

Category: College Life


UCAS Deadline

Image of UCAS Deadline

Today is the UCAS application deadline, and nearly 450 final year students have now applied for their choices of university courses.

All students at the College apply to university. Continuing onto Higher Education is the natural next step for A Level & BTEC students, and while some students…

Category: College Life


Christmas Jumper Day 2017

Image of Christmas Jumper Day 2017

Christmas Jumper Day saw students and staff don their finest (tackiest) Christmas clobber, all in the name of charity, with donations being raised for Save the Children.

There was also the extra incentive of a £30 Amazon voucher for the winner of the best outfit, with the Head of Art & Design,…

Category: College Life


Christmas Video 2017

What better way to celebrate the festive season than to have some of our students and staff tell you some brilliant* Christmas jokes?

Merry Christmas, everyone!

*jokes may not be brilliant

Category: College Life


Educate Awards - Most Inspirational Sixth Form
Educate North College of the Year 2023
TES Shortlist
Quality in Careers
CE Certified
BePART Educational Trust
Sixth Form Colleges Association
Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award