Poppies with a difference!
Our creative Health & Social Care students have been handmaking their own poppies to sell for Remembrance Day.
All the money is going to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal and these works of art are going for just £2 each!
Category: College Life
New Wallasey bus service for next academic year
Starting in September 2017, our new subsidised bus service from Wallasey / New Brighton to the College makes the short journey to Wirral's No1 even easier!
Category: College Life
Some words of wisdom for new students from the year above
So, it's that time again. First year Sixth Form students have all arrived looking alert yet dazed, hurrying to lessons, clutching at folders and timetables like shields; while the A2 students have existential crises about revision and UCAS statements, usually bleary eyed and on autopilot. We’re…
Category: The Student Voice