7 February 2020
Psychology teacher, Amy Paton, describes what Psychology students got up to:
Students attended a forensic Psychology conference and heard a number of talks including one from David Wilson of the BBC’s Crime Files on offender profiling, changes in the policing system across the years and the effects of prison on individuals. This all links directly to their Forensic Psychology module that we have just completed. They also got to ask questions of an ex-armed robber, Noel ‘Razor’ Smith, who was in prison for 32 years and got a lot of insight from his time in prison, his opinions on incarceration and how he feels now that he is out.
They even got time to see some of the famous sites of the capital and enjoy a ride on the London Eye.
One of the students said that the trip had given him the ‘mojo to be ready to revise and smash my exams’!
Category: The Expert's Voice