23 May 2019

"If you want to earn your place at a Gold Award Presentation at Buckingham Palace, St James’ Palace or Holyrood Palace, join the DofE Gold Award at College in September so you can work towards completing an amazing, rewarding scheme that will give you experiences and tales to tell for the rest of your life."
The College’s Duke of Edinburgh coordinator and IT teacher, Paul Moore, talks through the Royal engagement in London:
A couple of months ago, I was surprised with an exciting email from my DofE Operations Officer, Nicky, asking if I would like to go to Buckingham Palace for a Gold Award Presentation. Beaming from ear to ear, I confirmed that yes, I would like to go. Fast forward to 22nd May and I was able to spend the day travelling to London and seeing the sights, and as a DofE Leader, naturally I walked everywhere from leaving Euston in the morning to returning for my train in the evening, seeing the BT tower, the BBC, Regent Street, Picadilly Circus, St James’ Park, Trafalgar Square, Parliament Square and finally to the front gates of the palace. Once through the gate I was able to cross the famous forecourt in front of the palace and into the Queen’s back gardens.
The setting was spectacular, the sun was shining, the military bands were playing a sound like nothing I had heard before. Once I had checked in with my group leader, Nicky, I was able to wander around the gardens for about 45 minutes and I had been told where to spot the celebrity presenters that would each be joining a group to present their Gold DofE certificates. The group of presenters included Martin Kemp, Marvin from JLS, Ore Oduba, Darcey Bussell, Susanna Reid, Jon Culshaw, Jennie Bond, Stephen K Amos, Alijaz and Jeanette from Strictly and our guest presenter Gordon Buchanan, the wildlife cameraman/presenter.
The group I was with for the presentations included three former Birkenhead Sixth Form College student Gold Award completers: Eleanor Fisher, Ryan Murphy and Stephen Roberts. Whilst we were waiting for HRH The Earl of Wessex (Prince Edward) to arrive and congratulate our group, the hosts and guest presenter gave lots of congratulatory speeches and insights into their lives. Gordon told us all about his adventures as a wildlife cameraman and all of the weird and wonderful creatures he has been able to capture on film in his documentaries. Prince Edward arrived with the group and had a chat to the Gold Award holders, congratulating them on the effort and commitment they had shown to achieve their awards. He took time to ask about the expeditions, volunteering and other elements of the award journeys the young people had undertaken and left entrusting the presentation of the certificates to Gordon. Afterwards, there was time for a few more photos and a bit more garden exploring before I had to head off to catch my evening train back home, taking in a few more sights on the way back through Green Park and up Old Bond Street and Savile Row where all of the posh jewellers and designer clothing brands have their shops.
As you can probably tell, we had a fantastic day. If you want to earn your place at a Gold Award Presentation at Buckingham Palace, St James’ Palace or Holyrood Palace, join the DofE Gold Award at College in September so you can work towards completing an amazing, rewarding scheme that will give you experiences and tales to tell for the rest of your life.
Category: The Expert's Voice