6 October 2016
The first Sixth Form College Open Event of the academic year saw students, parents and families turning up in their hundreds from across Wirral and the Merseyside area to see what makes us a Centre of Academic Excellence.
During the evening, visitors were able to explore our facilities, teaching rooms across the college had the full range of equipment on show, and prospective students were given the chance to speak to our specialist A Level teachers’ about what they can expect on their A Level or BTEC programmes.
Principal, Kathryn Podmore, welcomed our visitors and outlined our key ethics and high expectations. Kathryn also highlighted our recent results success, which currently places us in the top 10% nationally for progression and the value added to students’ grades and performance.
The Principal's speech was followed by the Deputy Principal, Mike Kilbride who talked in more detail about our ethos and how, as Wirral’s number one sixth form, we support each individual student to achieve success through initiatives such as our recently launched Be PART programme.
Check out the video below from our October Open Event, featuring Deputy Principal Mike Kilbride: