21 June 2016

Law is set to continue as the most popular degree subject chosen by The Sixth Form College graduates this year, following on from the trend set by the Class of 2015.
More students from the college went on to study Law at university than from any other Wirral sixth form last year, and the subject has topped the list of first choices made by those aiming to go on to higher education.
Exactly 100 of the Class of 2016 have their sights on becoming undergraduates in the legal field, across some 27 institutions, including prestigious Russell Group University destinations Durham, Liverpool, Manchester and Nottingham. While the majority have chosen Law alone, some are combining the discipline with further connected areas, such as American Law, Psychology and Criminology.
With a vast array of activities available outside of the classroom while studying Law A Level at The Sixth Form College, along with being taught by former lawyers and current board examiners, the subject remains a hugely popular choice at college as well as in higher education. Students have opportunities for work placements at well-respected barristers’ chambers or solicitors’ firms, and also have a chance to be part of the college’s Citizenship Foundation Bar Mock Trial team, with this year’s lawyers-in-the-making beating local grammar school competition to be crowned regional Bar Mock Trial Champions before heading to the national final at the awe-inspiring Old Bailey in London.
Head of Law at The Sixth Form College, Paula Blakemore, said: “Law at A Level is an accurate reflection of Law at undergraduate level; it gives you the building blocks and a solid foundation of what and how you’re studying.”
Law Teacher of the Year 2015 nominee, Paula, who spent twenty years practicing as a solicitor, continued: “The students sign up for the extracurricular activities in their droves because they enjoy them. It becomes a self-perpetuating thing – when it comes to applying for university or jobs, they’ve all got lots of Law-related extracurricular for their CV which puts them in very good standing.
Law was closely followed by Psychology in the first choice degree field stakes, again following on from the subject’s popularity at the college. Trips to London conferences, phobia days and ‘Brain Day’ dissections add to the appeal of selecting Psychology at A Level with The Sixth Form College, and pending their successful results come August, our students could be studying the subject at 24 different universities across the country next academic year.
Business, Computing and Biology & Biomedicine are also among the most popular degree area first choices and over 75 different university destinations have been elected, with the Universities of Cambridge, York, Edinburgh and Sheffield amongst them.
Other miscellaneous chosen areas of study include Archaeology, Zoology, Physiotherapy and Yacht & Powercraft Design.
Students now wait with baited breath for 18th August when A Level results are issued to finalise their future destinations and undergraduate choices.