8 December 2015

Ella Twyman and Will Morris from Newcastle University visited students enrolled on the Honours Programme at the College last week, to deliver a presentation based on the core STEM subjects and the various types of career opportunities that degrees within these subjects can lead to.
University degrees that include the core STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) are often in high demand and are extremely valued by potential employers.
Ella and Will delivered an engaging and thought-provoking presentation to our students by adding a Zombie Apocalypse twist. For each subject they would use the Zombie Apocalypse theme to create a scenario for the students and set challenges where they would need to utilise the skills of the STEM subjects.
Ella explained, “We set the students challenges such as de-coding an encrypted message or building a shelter using materials we provided, which requires the use of skill and thought-processes related to Maths and Engineering. It highlights how skills within these areas can be applied in various scenarios and shows how valuable they can be.”
Student, Aidan McCulloch, who joined the College from St Mary’s High School, found the delivery of the presentation useful, commenting, “I think the Zombie Apocalypse theme worked really well in the presentation – it was relatable due to popular T.V shows such as The Walking Dead and made learning about the STEM subjects really interesting. I enjoyed it.”
Presentations and visiting speakers from Universities are just one of the benefits students enrolled onto the Honours Programme at The Sixth Form College can expect. The Honours Programme is a tailored academic programme combining curriculum, enrichment and guidance to support high-achieving students on to leading UK Universities.