1 December 2015

Former student, Rachal Foster, returned to College earlier this term to visit the Health & Social Care students to speak with them about how she has progressed from the Extended Diploma Course and offer support and guidance for the future.
Rachal completed the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health & Social Care at the College earlier this year and began studying Adult Nursing at Chester University in September. Rachal achieved triple Distinction* grades on the Health and Social Course and was part of the College’s highest ever performing year group which saw our A Level and BTEC results increase overall for the ninth consecutive year.
Rachal, who joined the College from South Wirral High School, was keen to return to speak with our current students to offer reassurance and valuable insight into where the course can lead, commenting, “I wanted to speak with the Health & Social Care students and offer some motivation and advice – I can remember thinking it would be really valuable to talk to someone who had already been through the course when I was in their position and to hear about their journey, so I’m pleased I was able to come back and offer this.”
The Health and Social Care students found Rachal’s visit to be really useful and informative.
Rachal added, “The students were really nice and asked me lots of questions so I hope I’ve been able to help and inspire them.”
Rachal also commented on how she has found the topics she covered during her time on the Health & Social Care Extended Diploma useful now she is at University, “Everything we covered during the diploma still applies and has laid the foundation for my first term at University which has given me a massive confidence boost. I’m really enjoying the course at Chester and have already gotten experience with practical elements, such as taking manual blood pressure readings and administering injections.”
Rachal, who also completed four different work experience placements during her time at College, has ambitions of working as a nurse within A&E departments and will begin a District Nursing placement as part of her University course in the New Year.