2 February 2015

Wirral’s specialist sixth form college is celebrating after eleven students from China have completed a two month study programme at The Sixth Form College.
The students, who travelled from the Southern Chinese province of Guangdong, studied a bespoke curriculum which covered a range of subjects including maths, science and media.
The two month programme, which is a first for Wirral, provided an opportunity for students and staff from China to experience the British education system at first hand – giving them a feel for A-Level study in England.
The students’ visit marks the start of The Sixth Form College of Birkenhead’s international study programme – which will see students from China moving to the Wirral to complete their A – Level’s at the College from September 2015.
Assistant Principal Kate Rigby said: “Large numbers of Chinese students travel to Britain to study at British universities. However Chinese and British education systems are very different – making the transition to British universities difficult. Our A-Level programme will enable students from China to benefit from the outstanding quality of the British A-level system and will also make the transition to British universities much easier.”
College Principal Kathryn Podmore said the programme was a terrific endorsement of the British A-Level system and the quality of education which is available at The Sixth Form College in Birkenhead – Wirral’s largest provider of A-Level study.
Mrs Podmore said: “The Sixth Form College in Birkenhead was delighted to welcome our first cohort of students from China. Their decision to travel to Birkenhead and study at the College reinforces the fact that The Sixth Form College is recognised as a centre of academic excellence – a reputation which is not just recognised here in the UK but also internationally.”
“This is an exciting long-term opportunity for the college, our students and staff. This programme will enhance the education of our young people and allow them to immerse themselves in a different culture and language.
“China is an important economic centre and over the coming years – with the Peel International Trade Centre and the potential of the Wirral Waters scheme – we should be working closely with China to promote the excellent commercial and educational opportunities that Wirral and the North West can offer.”