17 September 2014

The Sixth Form College hosted their annual Enrichment Fair in the College’s Sports Hall on Thursday 11th September with a variety of Enrichment stands available for our students to explore.
Enrichment covers activities students can become involved with outside of their subjects whether that be a sports team, joining a group such as the Debating society or Chess club or learning a new skill such as a musical instrument or Sign Language. Students can also gain additional qualifications in First Aid and Food Hygiene.
Enrichment Co-ordinator Rowena Lovatt, who organises the Fair each year, says,
“Enrichment activities are an enjoyable way to develop new skills and widen your interests which is a fantastic way of students strengthening their Personal Statements for Higher Education or C.V’s for Apprenticeships and further Employment. It allows potential Universities and Employers to gain a glimpse of a students’ personality outside of their academic subjects and can help them to stand out from many.”
Rowena added, “Enrichment activities are not just for students to put down on paper – they are a great way for them to make the most of their College experience. Students are able to make new friends, learn new skills and discover new interests and talents.”
Popular stands at the fair included the National Citizens Service – which many of our students have already taken part in, see here for details; Raleigh International – a development charity that offers work placements abroad for young people and our Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award stand. There was also an impressive live demonstration in Taekwon-do.