2 November 2017

Volunteering can make your CV and your UCAS application look extremely impressive, but as students find out each year, the work can also enrich your view of the world and give you experiences that you wouldn’t otherwise gain.
Joel Williams started at the College this September and, seeing the range of volunteering opportunities available at our Volunteers Fair, quickly signed himself up to work at the Wirral Society of the Blind and Partially Sighted (WSBPS): a decision that he’s glad he made and has already taken a great deal of enjoyment from.
Joel said: “I just wanted to help people. I thought about going in to help in primary schools but decided on the WSBPS.
“It’s a group of us doing it and it’s really good. We do whatever they need any help with. It could be playing games and doing activities with people or it could be looking after reception. There’s a range of different age groups there and it’s not just blind people, there are a lot of partially sighted people too.”
Joel and his fellow students, Ashlea, Hannah and Zoe, spend half a day per week of their own time helping out at the WSBPS and Joel described how it’s made him feel differently about his plans for the future.
He said: “It does feel like you’re making a difference. I enjoy it and I really like helping people. It’s massively boosted my confidence too.
“At the moment, I’ve got my sights set on going into the Navy after finishing my A Levels here, but I’d consider going into caring for people now - it’s been really inspirational helping at the WSBPS. You just don’t expect people living with these disabilities to be so happy and enjoy life so much.”
The College has links with a large number of volunteering organisations. If you’d like to get involved, speak to our dedicated coordinator, Rowena on the E corridor or email her at: rml@bsfc.ac.uk
Category: College Life