22 February 2017

Birkenhead Sixth Form College’s next Equality and Diversity meeting is taking place on Thursday 2nd March, giving any and every individual at the College a platform to share views on how to maintain or even improve on our commitment to provide equal opportunities for all.
Such is the College’s focus on inclusivity, many current and past students have described how their experience since joining made them feel safe and accepted where they had not felt so in their previous schools. The College ethos is built on a foundation of acceptance and tolerance, no matter the age, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability, and the offer of a fresh start in an environment free from bullying and judgement is part of why the College is the most popular choice of sixth form in Wirral.
Regularly listening to students and staff voice their opinions on these matters helps the College leadership to keep up to date and relevant with the best provision possible for every person studying with us.
The event begins at 12:15 in the Conference Room, refreshments are provided, and if you would like to join the group to share your opinions, we would very much value your contribution.
In order to make the group as diverse as possible, students from all or any of the protected characteristic groups (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage & civil partnership, pregnancy & maternity, race, religion & belief, sex, sexual orientation) would be most welcome.
Category: College Life