I want to apply to College. Have I left it too late?

Although we're are filling fast for places in September, you can still apply for a place - but be quick! You can apply online by clicking here. You will be invited to a telephone interview.


I was offered a place on Biology, Chemistry and Maths which have a higher grade entry requirement than some other subjects. I haven’t achieved the grades required for those subjects, does that mean I can’t come to the College?

The general entry criteria for the College is three grade 4s and two grade 5s at GCSE, including Maths and English Language, so if you do not meet the entry criteria for Biology, Chemistry and Maths but have met the general College entry criteria, you can choose other subjects to study at College. https://www.bsfc.ac.uk/prospective-students/entry-requirements We can discuss your options at your Enrolment appointment or the Results Day Clinic. Don't worry, we can support you with this.

I haven’t met the entry requirements for the College of three grade 4s and two grade 5s at GCSE including Maths and English Language. Does this mean I can’t come to the College?

If you don’t meet this entry criteria but achieve three grade 3s and two grade 4s including English Language, we offer a Year Zero programme which acts as a foundation year before stepping up to sixth form study. This is an exciting programme, with a full range of activities complementing gaining new qualifications and retaking Maths and English GCSEs. There are limited spaces on these courses and it is a commitment to the three year programme. Please still attend your Enrolment appointment to be considered.  

If you haven’t met the minimum entry requirements of three grade 3s and two grade 4s for the Year Zero programme, we would suggest contacting your school for advice and calling Careers Connect on 0844 824 0500 for independent advice on options elsewhere.


My son / daughter has three grade 4s and two grade 5s but didn’t pass either Maths / English Language. Can they still do A Levels?

You can come and discuss your results at the Results Day Clinic and a final decision will be made at your Enrolment appointment taking into consideration your other results and the courses you would like to study. You can also be considered for the Year Zero course.  

I have changed my mind about the subjects I would like to take. Is it too late to change them and how do I change them?

It's not too late! You can change your mind about what subjects you would like to take at any time up to and including at your Enrolment appointment. Please email enrol@bsfc.ac.uk with your changes. 

I would like some further information about the courses I have chosen. Where can I get this from?

Our website has further details of all our courses including the exam boards - https://www.bsfc.ac.uk/courses

If you have any subject specific questions, these can be asked at your Enrolment appointment to the relevant Head of Subject.


I have accepted a place at my high school and Birkenhead Sixth Form College and can’t decide which one to go to. Is there really any point me coming to the College when I can stay where I am?

Yes! We are an award-winning College and there are a range of reasons why you should make the switch from your high school sixth form:

•  We offer more courses than any other A Level / Level 3 BTEC provider on the Wirral and you can do any combination of courses – there are no option blocks

•  We have some of the best results in the region and nationwide

•  Our staff only teach A Levels and Level 3 BTECs so are experts in their field and not teaching younger students alongside your age group

•  Our support systems are fantastic, including your own personal tutor and a massive range of extracurricular opportunities

•  We offer a unique timetable for students with three 90 minute lessons and one 60 minute lesson per subject per week. With this extra hour in every subject adding up to a total of 13 weeks of extra face-to-face teaching time for every student compared to the average.


I need further information about how to get to College each day. Where can I get this from?

We have students from Liverpool, Chester, Cheshire and all over the Wirral. As well as a range of College and public buses, we are also accessible by train. Further details are available on our website:

College bus routes and details: https://www.bsfc.ac.uk/collegebuses

Other ways of getting to us: https://www.bsfc.ac.uk/prospective-students/how-to-find-us.  

Ticket will be on sale from 22nd August and can be purchased online via Parent Pay: https://app.parentpay.com/ParentPayShop/Uniform/Default.aspx?shopid=656.  
If you have any queries, please contact finance@bsfc.ac.uk or speak to them at Enrolment.


I need to know that I will be able to afford to come to the College. How can I check if I am entitled to a bursary and what does this include?

We ensure that finance is never a barrier to achieving an education and have won a number of awards for social mobility. Please see our website for details of what our bursary covers and the criteria for our bursary - https://www.bsfc.ac.uk/college-information/bursary-scheme.  

I'm concerned that I will have no friends when I start at the College as I don’t know anyone else going.

We have students from over 60 different schools attend the College and many of them don’t know anyone else at the College when they start, but everyone always says how easy they found it to make friends straight away. Even those that come with friends from school are in the same boat of starting somewhere new. We offer a range of activities in the first few weeks of term and a number of Clubs and Societies to help you settle into College as quickly as possible. 


Can I attend Enrolment with my son/daughter?

Any students who would like a parent to attend their Enrolment appointment with them are welcome to come.

Can I get a copy of my timetable so I can work my job around it / be with my best friend?

The timetables are not put together until all students have been enrolled. This is how we can ensure that all students can take their courses and there are no timetable clashes. You will be given your timetable on your first day of College.


If you would like more information on key dates for students starting in September and what to expect at your enrolment appointment click here.

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Educate North College of the Year 2023
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Quality in Careers
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BePART Educational Trust
Sixth Form Colleges Association
Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award