
A Level

Entry requirements:    

Five GCSEs including Maths & English Language: a minimum of three GCSEs at Grade 4 and two GCSEs at Grade 5.

What is it?    

We live in an era where politics is at the fore across the UK and indeed across the Globe. From Brexit to the Trump administration to each country's handling of COVID-19 - learn about the structures and systems that underpin how we operate as a nation.

Why choose this subject at BSFC?    

Trips include visits to the Houses of Parliament in London, meeting MPs and seeing how they operate, and also conferences and lectures locally and nationally. Debate Club is popular with Politics students at the College and they annually take part in national competitions.

What will I study?    

UK politics including core political ideas of conservatism, liberalism and socialism; UK government including the constitution, Parliament and the Prime Minister; Comparative politics with the USA.

How will I be assessed?    

Exams at the end of Year 2.       

How will this subject prepare me for the world of work?    

Studying Politics will develop critical analytical skills and writing abilities and as such is very well respected by universities and employers alike as a rigorous subject.

Exam Board:


*We have made every effort to ensure that the information displayed is accurate. The College reserves the right to make changes and cannot accept liability arising out of, or in connection with any revision. 

Educate Awards - Most Inspirational Sixth Form